061 454 149

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery

Mary Queen of Ireland has been successfully awarded Reading Recovery accreditation every year since 2020.

Reading Recovery is a school-based, short-term literacy programme designed for children in senior infants and first class (aged between five years nine months and six years six months) identified as the lowest literacy achievers following one year at school. It is a thoroughly researched and evidence-based early literacy intervention.

Each child gets a half hour lesson in school every day for twelve to twenty weeks. The programme is different for every child. Every child is assessed to find out what they know and what they need to learn next. The focus on each lesson is for the children to understand what they are reading and to be able to write messages with meaning. When the child’s reading improves and they show they can work independently the reading recovery stops. At the end of reading recovery the children have achieved success, improved self esteem and have a more positive attitude towards their schoolwork. Reading Recovery offers a wonderful opportunity to children to catch-up quickly and gain confidence and competence in reading and writing.

Click here to see the leaflet in full.

Scoil Mhuire Banríon na hÉireann,
V94 A5N7

061 454 149

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