Dear Parents, friends and Pupils,
Míle buíochas to each and every one of you for all your help and support since the return to school in September which has meant we have been able to maintain the happy, caring, learning environment in our school of which we are very proud. Teachers and pupils have a wonderful relationship which has meant all has run smoothly in each and every classroom with happy, content girls coming to school each day eager to learn.
Since September our school has been led by Ms. Frazer and Ms. Shearin who have done tremendous work. They have been ably assisted by Ms. Hardiman, our Lead Worker Representative (LWR). Their efforts and personal sacrifices are the reason for our success in keeping our school open and thereby enabling us to maintain the delivery of education of the highest standard for your daughters. They have been supported by all staff - teachers, SNAs, Secretary and Caretaker who have worked so hard, diligently and conscientiously to keep our school running smoothly and efficiently. My thanks and appreciation to all of you for all you do each and every day.
I would like to express my awe and wonder at the resilience and strength of our pupils who have coped admirably with all the changes that the new school year brought. And what changes there have been – the girls have all become used to bubbles and pods, sanitising and social distancing in and around the school, playing in designated yards and areas, entering and leaving the school by different entrances/exits and starting and finish school at different times, using Zoom and See Saw. There have been changes for parents/guardians also. Parents can no longer enter the school buildings or school grounds. Communication is by telephone, email, Aladdin or See Saw. See Saw and Zoom are being used to support the girls learning. Visitors must sanitise hands on entry and leaving and wear masks while in the school. Despite all these changes the girls have been amazing and have been supported by you, their parents and guardians, by their teachers and SNAs and by our ancillary staff.
I wish to thank our Board of Management, our Parents’ Association, Teachers, (especially MS. Frazer and Ms. Shearin), SNAs, Secretary, Caretaker, Cleaners and Martina, our Lollipop Lady, who have worked so hard during the term to keep our school enjoyable, and a safe and happy place to be. Thank you also to all members of the school community who have supported us in this.
To all our wonderful girls I want to say I’ve been hearing great stories about how good you have been, how well behaved and how kind and thoughtful you’ve been towards one another. I know Santa will be bringing you lots of lovely presents because you have been so good and caring. Be good and kind to your families over the Christmas.

Christmas is a special time of the year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We also like to celebrate and spend time friends and family. It is a time when we also remember loved ones we have lost or who may be unwell. This year we will also remember loved ones who may not be able to celebrate with us for any number of reasons.
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise daoibh go léir.
Stay safe and well over the Christmas holidays. We look forward to welcoming you all back on January 6th.
Suzanne Cobbe

Suzanne Cobbe